Project Car
Railways PDF Print E-mail

The construction of rolling stock has always been challenging for manufacturers. Stringent norms and inspections by the F.S. (State Railway) and certification of the production process represent a defining qualification for Moncini Industrie, which regards the railway sector as the most significant aspect of its production.
The images on these pages demonstrate not only the high standards obtained with specialized production processes from a technical point of view, but also the requirements of organisation and approach to ensure the quality required, checked, and finally obtained.

Moncini Industrie S.r.l - Sede legale e amministrativa : Loc. Forno Allione, 25040 Berzo Demo (Bs) - Tel. +39 0364/622184 Fax. +39 0364/622185
Cod.FIscale e P.IVA : 03224950174 - Cap. Soc. i.v. Euro 1.500.000,00
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