Project Car
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From more than 40 years the Moncini Industrie S.r.l. is an important reality for steel and iron working.

In 1975  begins with the setting up of C.L.L,  follow Sonico Siderurgica, L.M.S. Lavorazione Macchine Speciali, and  buy- up of V.L.L Vannini Lavorazione Lamiere, which is specialized in steel and aluminium construction for railway carriages and coachwork.

The company works all aspects of flat steel production.

Sheets of varying thicknesses are manufactured, as well as non –standard size up to 25m long.

NEWS: Laser cutting and Laser welding machine.
Moncini Industrie S.r.l - Sede legale e amministrativa : Loc. Forno Allione, 25040 Berzo Demo (Bs) - Tel. +39 0364/622184 Fax. +39 0364/622185
Cod.FIscale e P.IVA : 03224950174 - Cap. Soc. i.v. Euro 1.500.000,00
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