Project Car
Poles And Support Systems For Lifts PDF Print E-mail

Support systems for ski lifts, chairlifts, cable cars etc. are normally installed in mountainous areas. Their production must take into account aspects such as freezing winter conditions, the strees they will be subjected to, and the need for appropriate dimensions and weight to enable their installation by helicopter.
We use grade grade D steel for their construction. It has been tested to a temperature of –20° C. 
Although increasing the width of the sections means that thickness can be reduced, the main problem is bending parts which are over 12m in length with a horizontal section of c. 2m.
The bending press at the San Zeno can produce octagonal vertical half sections, and the number of faces can be increased up to 16.
The flexible plasma system can cut up to a thickness of 50mm so that the pole can be tapered with the base being wider than the top. 
On request the surface can be specially treated by sandblasting, painting, or zinc coating.

Moncini Industrie S.r.l - Sede legale e amministrativa : Loc. Forno Allione, 25040 Berzo Demo (Bs) - Tel. +39 0364/622184 Fax. +39 0364/622185
Cod.FIscale e P.IVA : 03224950174 - Cap. Soc. i.v. Euro 1.500.000,00
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